
Showing posts from October, 2020

Microbiology of milk: a. Common micro-organisms found in milk b. Fermentation and spoilage of milk c. Milk borne diseases

Microbiology of milk:  a. Common micro-organisms found in milk  b. Fermentation and spoilage of milk  c. Milk borne diseases  a. Common micro-organisms found in milk : Milk is a highly nutritious food that can be obtained from a variety of animal sources such as cows, goats, sheep and buffalo, as well as humans, for human consumption. However, the high nutrient content of these milks, which includes proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids , all at a near neutral pH and at a high water activity, provides an ideal environment for the growth of many microorganisms. Some of these nutrients are directly available to all microorganisms, while others are provided following the metabolism of major components by specific populations to release components and metabolites that are used by others . It is generally accepted that the lactic acid bacteria (LAB ), a group of bacteria that ferment lactose to lactate, are a dominant population in bovine, goat, sheep a

Microbial food poisoning and food infection: a. Food poisoning by: i. Staphylococcus aureus ii. Campylobacter iii. Clostridium botulinum iv. Aspergillus flavus b. Food infection by : i. Salmonella typhimurium ii. Vibrio parahemolyticus

Microbial food poisoning and food infection: a. Food poisoning by: i. Staphylococcus aureus ii. Campylobacter iii. Clostridium botulinum iv. Aspergillus flavus b. Food infection by : i. Salmonella typhimurium ii. Vibrio parahemolyticus Microbial food poisoning and food infection: Search Results Featured snippet from the web Food poisoning  is defined as an illness caused by the consumption of  food  or water contaminated with bacteria and/or their toxins, or with parasites, viruses, or chemicals.  The most common pathogens are Norovirus, Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Clostridium perfringens, Campylobacter, and Staphylococcus aureus Foodborne infection is caused by the ingestion of food containing live bacteria that grow and establish themselves in the human intestinal tract.  Foodborne intoxication is caused by ingesting food containing toxins formed by bacteria which resulted from the bacterial growth in the food item. Common causes of food poisoning will typically include at least th

(I A.)Pre golden era: History of Microbiology, Abiogenesis vs Biogenesis, Discovery of Microorganisms

(Unit I )Pre golden era: History of Microbiology, Abiogenesis vs Biogenesis, Discovery of Microorganisms The science of microbiology which come into existence with the discovery of the microscope may be said to had three period of development: 1.The  pre 1865 period, the ‘ Pre Golden Era’ , which experienced a slow accumulation of some facts about bacteria and other microbes  and a great deal of more or less correct speculation about them. 2. The period between 1865 and 1882 , the ‘Golden Era’, when the foundation of new science were securely laid especially through the pioneer work of the French scientist Louis Pasteur, the German physican Robert Koch and English Surgeon Joseph Lister and, 3.The post 1882 period, the ‘Post Golden Era’ , extending to the present day, which experience rapid development of microbial information and a truly revolutionary application of this knowledge to human affairs.   History of Microbiology: The term microbiology was given by French chemist Louis Past